Create a test environment

When to use this procedure

Tri-Tech recommends creating a copy of your AIMsi software to use as a test system. You can use this copy to train new employees, learn new modules, or simply test how certain transactions affect various records in AIMsi — all without affecting your live data.

It is simplest to create a test environment on your server and point to it from the other networked workstations. In this way, when you apply AIMsi updates, you only need to do it once.

Steps to complete

Prerequisites: Close AIMsi on all of your workstations before beginning this procedure. Then, complete these steps on your AIMsi server (refer to Install the server copy of AIMsi for additional information; the default location is C:\AIMsi).

  1. Access Windows Explorer and navigate to the location where you installed AIMsi.
  2. Right-click on the AIMsi folder and click Copy.

  1. Right-click on the folder where you want the test system and click Paste. Often, this will be the root folder, (C:).

  1. Right-click on the AIMsi-Copy folder and click Rename.

Creating a test environment - rename the folder

  1. Give the folder a meaningful name, such as AIMsi - Test (this will help distinguish it from other AIMsi environments you might have).
  2. Open the AIMsi - Test folder.
  3. Right-click the aimsi.exe file and point to Send to then click Desktop (create shortcut).

  1. On your desktop, right-click your new shortcut and click Rename.
  2. Enter a new, meaningful name for the shortcut, such as AIMsi - Test (this will help distinguish it from other AIMsi shortcuts you might have on your desktop).
  3. Open your test AIMsi and log in.
  4. On the main menu bar, click Maintenance, then point to General Maintenance and click System Variables.
  5. Set the value for TrainingSystem to Y; this will change the AIMsi workspace from white to blue as a visual indicator that this is a test system.

  1. Turn off credit card processing. To do so:
    1. On the main menu bar, click Maintenance, then point to General Maintenance and click Work Stations.
    2. On the Work Station window, click the CC tab.
    3. Right click in the POS Gateway and Auto/Web Pay Gateway boxes and click Remove Authorization Type POS and Remove Authorization Type Autopay, respectively.
    4. Click Save.

  1. Create a desktop shortcut to the test environment on each networked workstation that should have a test environment. To do so:
    1. Right-click on your computer desktop, point to New, and click Shortcut.

    1. On the Create Shortcut window, click Browse.
    2. Navigate to the location where you installed AIMsi - Test.
    3. Select aimsi.exe and click OK.

    1. Click Next.
    2. Enter a name for the shortcut and click Finish. The AIMsi shortcut is added to your desktop.
  2. Repeat steps 1-14 to create test environments on any server where AIMsi is installed. Then, continue to Back up AIMsi.


Note: You will need to update this test system each time you apply AIMsi software updates to your live system.

WARNING Be sure to turn off credit card processing (steps 13.a-d) in all test systems on all workstations. Failure to do so may result in false credit card charges being sent to your credit card processor. You must do this every time you copy your Live system to create a new Test system.